Frequently Asked Questions

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Alma Q

  • Yes. Alma Q is suitable for all skin types. The 1064nm QS laser has relatively low absorption in Melanin and high absorption in water what makes it suitable for dark skin type as well. The Pixel tip creats photoacoustic microwounds and is also safe in all skin types.

  • Since each country has different regulation on the subject, please refer to your local regulation on operation of medical device.

  • Yes. Alma Q is CE marked and FDA approved.

  • Yes. There are several publications showing clinical evidence on the efficacy of Alma Q in the treatment of Pigmented lesions, Tattoo removal and skin rejuvenation.

  • The QLP 1064nm is intended for Vascular lesions (including telangiectasias), Skin texture indications (such as scars), active acne and Rosecea

  • You can use the Alma Q for skin rejuvenation by using the fractional applicator with the 1064nm QS. The fractional non-ablative Q-switched laser offers depth control, for treating skin imperfections including wrinkles, photo damage, uneven skin tone and skin laxity.

  • The Alma Q system is suitable for all types of tattoos covering a wide range of colors: Black, Dark Blue, Grey, Red, Orange, Yellow.

  • No. Alma Q also offers a Fractional non-ablative Q-switched laser for skin rejuvenation treatments and also an 8 mm tip for carbon peel treatment.

  • Yes. Alma Q is a Q-switch laser delivering 1064/ 532 nm QS for tattoo removal of different colors, pigmented lesions treatment and skin rejuvenation.

  • Alma Q platform consists of 1064nm and 532nm wavelengths.
